Golfing Rates

                                                             2025 RATES          Effective 3/1        excluding tax

                                                                 18 Holes              9 Holes

Mon-Thurs                                               $43                       $35

Friday                                                        $50                       $38

Sat-Sun Open-1pm                                  $62                       $40            

Sat-Sun 1-4pm / Twilight                       $48 / $40              $40

Walden Country Club Rules and Regulations

  • Walden Country Club (“the Club”) has established these Rules and Regulations (“Regulations”) to ensure the enjoyment, safety, and protection of the Members and Guests of the Club and to assure orderly and enjoyable play on the golf course. The Club reserves the right to cancel or modify such rules and regulations whenever it deems necessary. It is the duty of all Members and Guests to familiarize themselves with these rules.

General Golf Rules

  • The Rules of Golf as adopted by the USGA together with the Rules of Etiquette as adopted by the USGA shall be the rules of the Club, except when in conflict with local rules or with any of the rules herein.
  • Golf Attire. Proper golf attire is required for all players. Proper attire shall mean the following:
    Men: Shirts with collars and sleeves and slacks or Bermuda shorts of mid-thigh length are considered appropriate attire. Tank tops, tee shirts, sweat pants, swimwear, cut-offs, or gym shorts are not considered proper golf attire. Blue jeans are allowed. 
    Women: Dresses, skirts, slacks, mid length shorts, polos and blouses are considered appropriate attire. Tee shirts, tank tops, cut-offs, sweat pants, swimwear, or tennis dresses are not considered proper golf attire. Blue jeans are allowed.
    Golf Shoes: Soft spike golf shoes are considered appropriate.
  • All Golfers must register in the Golf Pro Shop before starting play.
  • All players must start play from the first tee unless otherwise permitted or directed by the Golf Staff.
  • There will be no practicing on any part of the golf course except on the practice green.
  • All alcoholic beverages must be purchased from the Club. AA. County Liquor License Law.
  • Each Golfer is required to have their own set of golf clubs.
  • Jogging, bicycling, fishing or recreational walking is not permitted on the golf course.
  • If lightning is in the area, all play shall cease. Although the golf staff may warn players about lightning in the area, of which it is aware, the Club does not assume any duty to detect lightning and warn them. If Club personnel warn players about potential lightning in the area, players must stop play immediately.

Rain Policy

  • When rain causes termination of play, a rain check will be given if four holes or less are played.  If five or more holes are played, the rain check will be prorated based upon the remaining holes not played. It is the responsibility of the Member/Guest to inquire about a rain check at the golf shop immediately after his or her play has been terminated by rain conditions. In any event, all players shall assume the risks associated with potential lighting activity and the consequences arising thereof.

Golf Starting Times

  • All golfers are required to report to the Pro Shop at least ten minutes prior to assigned tee time. Any group not on the tee and ready to play on time will lose its tee time. The Pro Shop and Player Assistants have the authority to maintain order on the course.
  • Twosomes should not expect to play through foursomes and should not exert any pressure on the groups ahead. Foursomes and threesomes shall have the right of way.
  • Twosomes and singles will be grouped with other players, if available, and if necessary, at starting times determined by the Golf Shop and Starter.

Golf Cart Rules

  • If guest has a spectator, a cart fee will apply per spectator riding in the cart.
  • Minimum age of 16 and a valid driver’s license is required to operate golf carts.
  • Please observe all cart path signs.
  • Carts are to be kept at least 15 yards from greens and tees and must remain on the cart path on par 3’s and around teeing areas.
  • A maximum of two people, including small children, are allowed to ride in a golf cart.
  • When the Pro Shop declares “Cart Path Only” all golf carts must remain on the designated cart paths at all times. Carts must remain on path on all par 3’s.
  • When the “90 degree rule” is posted, carts should proceed on the cart path until reaching the vicinity of their ball and make a 90-degree turn to the ball, play the shot and return to the cart path.
  • Golf carts should be driven on paths as much as possible and according to all golf cart traffic signs posted on the course.
    • When crossing a fairway, cross at a 90-degree angle to minimize the wear and tear on the fairways and roughs.
  • Walden Country Club reserves the right to refuse or cancel the use of a golf cart, without refunding any fees, to any person not adhering to the golf cart rules and policies established by Walden Country Club.

Golf Course Etiquette

  • Golfers are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect the highest standards of the game of golf. Serious breaches of etiquette or displays of poor sportsmanship will result in prompt and appropriate disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the course
  • Courtesy must always be exhibited towards other players.
  • Speed of Play. Each 18-hole round should be completed in 4 hours and fifteen minutes. This amount of time is more than adequate, provided all players remain aware of the rights of others to play without delay. It is the responsibility of each group to keep pace with the group ahead. It is each group’s responsibility to be observant of its position on the course and keep pace. The Player Assistant has the authority to keep play moving at the proper pace for all players’ enjoyment.
  • All players who stop after playing nine holes for any reason must occupy the next tee before the following players arrive at the tee or they shall lose their position on the golf course.
  • When play of a hole is completed, leave the green immediately and proceed to the next tee where scoring may be recorded while teeing off.
  • Repair all ball marks on greens and place sand/seed in all divots taken.
  • Discard all trash in receptacles located around the course.
  • Enter and leave bunkers at the nearest level point to the green and smooth sand over with a rake upon leaving.

Enjoy Your Round